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Wellness Care

As veterinary professionals we strive to provide the best preventative care to our patients based on up to date recommendations by leaders in the field of veterinary medicine. We want to offer your pet the exact care we would offer our own furry family members based on their individual needs. So, we have developed a wellness program that provides for a thorough physical exam including oral health evaluation & body condition assessment, parasite monitoring, all vaccinations that are indicated by individual lifestyle risk, and age appropriate Lab Screens. We know you want what is best for your pet and so do we!

Parasite Prevention

There are a number of common parasites that are considered zoonotic. This means if your pet has them, it is possible for humans to be exposed and become infected leading to potential major human health issues. This is the reason it is so important to have stool checks done regularly and to use prevention on a year round basis. We are experts in prevention and on all the available products on the market. Please let us customize a parasite prevention program to protect your pets health and your family.


When our patients come in for wellness care we will ask about what they receive in the way of food, treats, and supplements. Nutrition is important for weigh control and optimum health and we will make recommendations if the need arises. If you have an questions about the quality of the food you are feeding your pet, we can help demystify the info found on pet food labels.

Dietary Management
Of Disease

We carry a variety of prescription diets, which are essential in managing many disease states. When we detect health concerns either through physical examination or lab screens, these diets are like medication and can be lifesaving.

Behavior Counseling

We fell it is important for our clients to understand normal pet behavior and to learn about training techniques that are positively rewarding. Any questions pertaining to your pet’s behavior are encouraged. We look forward to guiding you to a well-mannered companion, that is welcome everywhere.

Microchip Pet Identification

Even the most responsible owner cant guarantee that their pet will never become lost, so we recommend the dual protection of a collar with an ID tag and the implantation of a microchip. Please contact us to schedule an appointment to have your pet micro-chipped. You should keep a current photo of your pet and the number for local shelters on hand. We hope you never experience a lost pet, but if you do it pays to be prepared.